Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Meeting to be rescheduled

Our meeting on July 1st is cancelled--we'll reschedule and post new information asap.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Next Meeting Saturday, July 1 at 10 am

Meeting times will change now for the summer, the next will take place on Saturday, July 1st at 10 am. As usual, we're meeting at Charly Hansen's studio. (514 Second St [between Oak and Maple] studio is in the alley to the north with the Will/Case weather vane on the roof. Park on 2nd and walk north through the yard between 514 and the house to the west. Look for AWA signs.) This will allow us the rest of our day for play.

Scott Nelles has agreed to become our AWA representative at Traverse Area Arts Council (TAAC) board meetings and the group agreed that that was good. Thank you much Scott! We also agreed to make AWA a member of the TAAC as a “Community Based Arts & Culture Organization & Business” which costs $125.

We discussed 4 possible future shows to put on between now and January.
1) During the TC Film Festival in late July --John O’Neill will contact Debra McKeon at the TAAC to discuss the idea of using the space beside the old State Theatre.
2) Festival of the Senses in September – Melonie will talk to Rick Coates and Debra McKeon to investigate possibilities.
3) A Winter Show—anyone with ideas please bring them to the next meeting.
4) Fall Studio Crawl–anyone interested in opening your studio for a Fall Crawl, possibly in conjuction with the Leelenau Art Crawl, please contact John O’Neill to help organize. johnoneill@centurytel.net

Volunteers Needed !
Melonie is looking for a couple of people who would be willing to type in names and addresses of folks for our data-base so that we have a proper mailing list for future shows. Anyone who can do this please contact me at frognoise@centurytel.net 275-1364.

Also...we would like to have a list of volunteers who can donate time here and there to keep this ship afloat! If you can give a little or a lot of time, please contact me (Melonie) frognoise@centurytel.net.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Meeting, Saturday June 2nd at 2 pm

Hello fellow artists,
This Saturday, June 2nd, come one come all to the studio of Charly Hansen, where we gather to meet, greet, and eat with each other. We will be discussing our current show, "One Week in May plus Three More in June", looking at future show ideas and venues, and taking care of business. Also...back by popular demand the "Salon de Refuse", --bring in works rejected from the May show and we'll hang them up here to share with each other for the afternoon. Please bring food to share if you can. See you there! Melonie

Charly Hansen's studio: 514 Second St [between Oak and Maple] studio is in the alley to the north with the Will/Case weather vane on the roof. Park on 2nd and walk north through the yard between 514 and the house to the west. Look for AWA signs